4 ways to strengthen your company culture post-COVID
COVID-19 has shown more than ever how important it is to have a strong company culture.
In tough times, it’s important for companies to have employees who believe in the purpose of the business and are committed to supporting it. Equally, employers should understand that during difficult times, employees need support and understanding if they need to be more flexible and/or they need time off to recalibrate.
Job seekers are increasingly looking for companies that treat them well, and COVID-19 will only strengthen that outlook.
If COVID-19 has highlighted that your company culture isn’t as strong as you’d like it to be, or if it’s brought the team together and you’d like to keep that bond strong, here are our top tips on how to strengthen your company’s culture post-COVID-19.
1. Stay up to date
Make sure you are fully clued up on government guidance and policies and check for any changes daily. It’s a moving target, so it’s important to make sure you are following the correct procedures, not only from a legal perspective, but to ensure that your team are safe.
2. Communicate
Hopefully you’ve been communicating clearly to your team throughout the COVID-19 period to keep them informed. Whilst you might not need to update as often once things start to calm down, it’s important to maintain ongoing communication with your team.
Both your clients and your team need to be crystal clear on any new procedures or policies in place – not only is it vital information, but it also reassures them that you’re looking after their best interests. There’s nothing more uncomfortable or worrying than radio silence!
3. Listen to feedback
Ask your staff how they feel, pay attention to what they say and act accordingly. Don’t force staff to come back before they feel comfortable doing so and ensure you are implementing the necessary measures to make your team feel safe.
We are living in unprecedented times and there is no right or wrong way to feel. There is no playbook on the correct actions to take, so listen to your team and let their feedback guide you.
4. Celebrate!
Make sure you take the time to celebrate your team for making it through the COVID-19 period. Recognition and appreciation go a long way. It’s been a tough time for everyone – we all deserve a treat!
It’s trying times like these that really show the good employers from the bad ones. To learn more about how to spot the great ones, click here.