Dealing with change
Turn and face the strange, ch-ch-changes!
Change is a natural part of life, but even seemingly trivial changes can create huge uproar. Last year, a Snapchat update sparked a petition that gained over 1.2 million signatures to remove the latest features.
So, if people were that emotionally invested in an app, it seems obvious that making changes to the workplace might be met with resistance. It’s certainly understandable, but at EQ we think that change should be embraced, and here’s how to do it…
Believe in yourself
‘Comfortable’ is the enemy of innovation. Often, we can get so comfortable going through the motions we’ve mastered that our mind twists new opportunities into threats of failure.
Believe in your own abilities and don’t hide behind a routine. Despite the old saying, you absolutely can teach an old dog new tricks.
Be open to new ideas
In 1975, an employee at Kodak presented an unbelievably crazy idea to the business – a digital camera. His bosses thought it was ridiculous… and the company went into administration five years after the first iPhone was released.
The world is constantly evolving. If you don’t move with it, you’ll get left behind. Ignore the instinct to say no, and instead wonder ‘what if?’
Recognise that change is good
Think about it – do you really want to work for a company that never changes? That has no ambition to grow, evolve and improve? If you want to succeed and be the best you can be, new challenges are exactly what you need.
If you’re not feeling it, walk away
Although change can be great, sometimes cultures and companies can change for the worse. If you truly believe that your employer doesn’t align with your values anymore, maybe it’s time for you to make a change.