How do I raise a problem at work?
You spend more time at work than you do with your own family, so it’s vitally important that you’re happy in your job. Therefore, if you have a problem at work, there needs to be a process in place to help you solve it.
If you are unhappy at your workplace, at best your productivity will fall, at worst you may feel you have no choice but to leave the company. That helps no one, and it’s far more productive to be honest and help fix a problem that may be affecting more people than just yourself.
Here are some tips to make sure you handle voicing your issue effectively.
1. Be constructive
It’s important to voice opinions and thoughts at work. Be sure to demonstrate that you are making a valid point. Suggest actions to fix the problem. This demonstrates that you are being pro-active, not problematic.
2. Don’t let emotions cloud your judgement
Emotions can often be the enemy of logic. It’s easy to get upset when you’re frustrated, but you must assess the situation fairly and without letting your emotions get in the way. Write it down first and then come back to it. If it’s still valid, raise it.
3. Be professional
Whatever happens, remain professional at all times. It’s great to voice opinions but do it in a calm and constructive manner.
4. Be thorough
Don’t leave any details out. In order to effectively solve the problem, you should include every single part of it in order to prevent oversights and recurring issues.
5. Be reasonable
Sometimes compromise is required to resolve a situation. Approach the discussion with an open-mind and don’t be unreasonably stubborn.