Monday 8th April, 2019
Free pizza, regular meditation sessions and a game of pool on a Friday afternoon can go a long way, but they don’t mean anything if the culture behind them doesn’t truly care. While the aforementioned perks are great, they aren’t the real reason Equilibrium is one of the best companies to work for in the country.
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Monday 8th April, 2019
Our motto ‘making a positive difference’ doesn’t just apply to our clients and employees. We want to make a positive difference to the whole community, and we encourage our employees to do the same. That’s why all EQ staff receive three paid charity days a year.
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Monday 8th April, 2019
We spend more time at work than we do with our own family, so it’s vitally important that you’re happy in your job. Therefore, if you have a problem at work, there needs to be a process in place to help you solve it.
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Equilibrium is a trading style of Equilibrium Financial Planning LLP and Equilibrium Investment Management LLP (Limited Liability Partnerships). Equilibrium Financial Planning LLP (OC316532) and Equilibrium Investment Management LLP (OC390700) are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and are entered on the financial services register under references 452261 and 776977 respectively. Registered Office: Ascot House, Epsom Avenue, Handforth, Wilmslow SK9 3DF. Both companies are registered in England and Wales.

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